Sunday, January 11, 2009

It's My Birthday

My birthday has been fantastic. So fantastic, I don't want it to end.

It started when we picked up Meg from an over-night with Aunt Juju this morning (her first spend-the-night party with Julie and Greg). She had a wonderful time, was an angel, and couldn't wait to show me the monkey she made at Build-A-Bear. A pink monkey with looooong pink arms . . . and a Snow White dress. Precious. Almost as precious as Meg.

From Aunt Juju's, we went to have lunch with my cousin's family at their home. The visit wasn't really for my birthday -- we just wanted to visit each other, and it happened that today was a good day for everyone. But they sure did make my birthday special . . . treats, lunch, and my very own birthday balloon and cake. They were so good to me. It was a perfect way to spend my birthday day.

On the way home, we called another friend and invited her and her family over for pizza and Wii. I couldn't think of a better way to end the day -- especially since Julie and Greg gave me an awesome new game as a birthday present. My friend and her family came over, and the kids played in the play room while the parents played in the media room. We all had pizza . . . and they brought me my own birthday cake, too. Perfect perfect birthday evening.

The evening ended with Meg helping me open my gifts and then taking a bubble bath with me. It was a true treat for both of us.

Now it's 9pm, both girls are OUT from a day full of fun, and I'm off to the basement to play some more video games. I have work to do . . . dishes in the sink . . . but it's my birthday, so that will all have to wait until tomorrow.

It's funny . . . when blowing out my candles today, I didn't know WHAT to wish for on this 31st birthday. I used to always wish that I'd fall in love . . . and then I found Jim, so I didn't wish for that anymore. My wishes then changed . . . I started wishing for heathly, happy babies. Oh, I remember how much I wished for babies for a few years. Now I have my love and my babies, so what should I wish for?

I think my life is pretty good to be worried about what to wish for when I blow out the candles. So far, all of my wishes have come true.

I think I'll wish that nothing ever changes . . . that we stay as happy as we are right now. That will be my wish from now on.

Happy Birthday to me.


Tiffany Payment said...

I was gone almost all day yesterday,I missed this!

Happy Birthday to the most lovely woman inside and out! xoxoxoxox So happy to hear your day was special!

The Fokens Family said...

Happy 31st! So glad to hear you had a great one!

Anne said...

Happy Birthday Lady!!! I am glad it was wonderful. I agree it is hard to wish for things when you have all you have wished for. I hope your 31st year is full of joy and excitment. Cheers