Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I Get By With a Little Help from my Friends

This Beatles fave was humming in my head today as I headed home from a park playdate, Meg just about snoozing in the back seat, windows down and air breezing in.

This morning was quite possibly the worst morning Meg and I have ever had together. There was whining. There was crying . . . with crocodile tears, no less. Just fits over eating breakfast at the table . . . she did NOT want to, under any circumstances. There was even an incident in which coffee was spilled (not by me, mind you) all over my breakfast area.

I don't know if we've hit the 'terrible twos' about 2 months early or if Grandaddy and Nana are still to blame for this sudden fit of terrible toddler rage . . . but whatever it is, I can't wait for it to pass.

Will someone tell me . . . where on earth did my sweet Meg go??

The breakfast routine was a nightmare, but ended with a phone call from a girlfriend saying, "Hey, do you want to come on over and hang out?" DO I? I unloaded on my friend about how awful our morning had been. Then I got dressed, dressed Meg (although, I must admit, I was tempted to just take her to my friend's with her jammies on . . . lest I anger her more by trying to dress her!), and headed out the door.

The coffee playdate sure did make my morning turn around. It was what I needed to keep my sanity between 9:30-11:30am.

When we returned home for lunch, Meg requested a NAP instead of lunch. She rubbed her eyes repeatedly and said, "Night Night" . . . so up to bed she went. I wasn't sure if it was a great idea, but I didn't really care enough to thing about it that much. You want a nap? Sure, that is one battle I won't EVER fight with you.

After nap, Meg woke up a little more on the normal side. She ate a decent lunch . . . at 2:45 pm . . . then we goofed around a bit before heading to the park to meet some other friends. Again, if I hadn't had that park playdate to look forward to all afternoon, I might have resorted to watching a whole lot of TV and letting Meg draw all over the furniture. After the morning (and the previous 48 hours of Meg-Mania), I was spent.

Thanks to my friends . . . morning and afternoon friends . . . we made it through this day.

Please, God, let tomorrow be good. I love Thursdays (Thursdays = Jim returning) . . . I want tomorrow to be a GOOD day.

(And for those of you who don't believe that Meg is being as bad as she is . . . I give you exhibit A, a cell phone picture I took of the grocery-store-meltdown from Monday morning.)

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