Friday, October 16, 2009

A Post from LAX

Hello from sunny California. Oh, didn't I mention that Jim and I were going to Hawaii for the week? That we were leaving today?

I didn't?

Well, I didn't forget to mention it . . . I guess that the week of preparation for our trip just got away from me. You know me . . . whenever we prepare for a vacation, I always get stressed and go above and beyond 'normal' vacation prep. This time was different -- no KIDS coming along, so no kid packing to be done. The girls are staying home at our house with the grandparents, so I only needed to prepare THEM for what they'd be doing this week. And clean up my house so that my mother-in-law doesn't think I'm a terrible housekeeper when she shows up. And let everyone know who needs to be where and when they need to be there . . . and get medical release forms updated (including our Will) . . . and grocery shop. And get waxed so I'd be appropriate in a bathing suit (wink wink). And throw some stuff in a bag for myself for our week away.

Like I said, I always stress myself out just getting to a vacation.

But as of last night when we put Meg and Kate to bed, Jim and I were officially ON VACATION. All the prep was done. We were up and out of the house well before the girls . . . so we did our good-byes last night. Jim and I left Atlanta early this morning, and now we are waiting our connecting flight to Kauai here at the Delta Crown Room in Los Angeles.

A WEEK IN HAWAII. Jim and me. It's going to be awesome.

All week long -- as I prepared and prepared for what would go on in Georgia while we were gone -- I kept thinking, "Am I even going to be sad to leave the girls? Will I even miss them for the first few days?" I'm just so excited to spend some true adult time with my husband . . . I wasn't sure how I'd really feel about leaving Meg and Kate. The idea of laying on the beach with a drink in my hand clouded my ability to consider how hard it might be to leave my kids behind. I thought I would be able to leave with no problems . . . even though this is the first time I've left Kate, I've never left Meg for this long, and we will be farther away from them than we've ever been before. I wondered if it might be too easy for me.

The reality: when I put them to be last night, I couldn't get enough 'good bye' hugs or kisses. I think I started missing them at naptime yesterday -- and we hadn't even left yet. I had to wake Meg up briefly this morning to say bye just one more time. I had to watch Kate sleep for just a few more minutes before we threw our bags in the car and headed to the airport. We've been gone for about 6 hours now, and I miss everything about them already.

Don't worry -- I won't spend my week worrying about my girls or wishing I was home. They are in GREAT hands with both my dad and Jim's parents. Their plans are made and all the instructions are left for everyone . . . I think that they are going to have a great week without us.

And will will have a great week without them. We don't have a lot of plans for our time in Hawaii . . . just the aforementioned helicopter tour, a hike or two, and lots of time on the beach. By 11pm tonight (EST -- about 5pm Hawaii time), we will be at our hotel in Kauai, ready to start our vacation.

Aloha . . . we are now boarding our flight to Hawaii. Next stop: Paradise!

1 comment:

The Cibulas said...

Sooooo jealous! Enjoy yourselves!