Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Plague

Yep, it took over.

Took Meg down at about 4:30pm on Thursday evening, and I followed at about 8:00pm that night. Kate relapsed just a couple of hours later . . . so there was a period of time on Thursday night when all three Dahlby girls were hurling.

Thank GOD Jim was home to help. Now pray that HE doesn't get it. After all he did to take care of us, he does not deserve to endure the wrath of that awful virus.

We survived, but we are very tired and weak from our experience.

And that's it. What a miserable week we had. The good news: it's OVER. I don't think we will have a stomach flu around here again for a while, so at least we have that going for us.

Blech. Puking sucks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please know we are close by and will do anyhting you need!!! Hope you Dahlby girls get to feeling better! Mauri