Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Technical Difficulties -- Update

I still am having trouble with Blogspot and with my Picasa Web Albums . . . the trouble being that I can't really see anything more than text on any of these sites.

It's frusturating. And, beyond restarting the computer, I have no idea how to fix it. Everything else on the computer is working great.


So, blogger, forgive me . . . I take back my nasty rant from yesterday. It seems it's not your problem. It's mine.

Jim will be home Thursday, so until then, I guess I'll be photoless and frusturated. I'll try to post, but it's hard when I don't really know what anything looks like (including my post from earlier today -- did the pictures come throught??). Hurry home, Jim! My blog-fans (both of them) are sad to be without me!!


The Melda Family said...

You might try downloading "firefox" for free....assuming that isn't what you are already using. And then try opening blogger. Hope that helps! It's worked for me in the past.

The Cibulas said...

It's working...pictures and all...from my end! I thought you might want to know that there are 2pictures of each page of your magazine that you were published in. Which by the way is SUPER impressive!!

Heather Dahlby said...

Thanks -- Paula, Jim told me the same thing, but I'll have to delete later when I know what's what! Oh well -- thanks for the tip!