Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Pregnancy Brain

So, how much can I really blame on this pregnancy? Is there a point when I have to start taking credit for some of the stupid things I've done lately?

Case in point: our garage door.

I left it open last night. Oh -- yeah -- and we weren't home. We were in Newnan, enjoying an evening with my family. Meanwhile, our garage door AND the door inside (to our house) were open, totally unlocked (naturally -- I lock the door inside the garage when I'm outside and Meg is inside, but when I NEED it locked, it's NOT).

And, to put an even BIGGER target on our house for neighborhood burglary, I left our trash can out by the street. I totally was not thinking . . . I put it out at the street for the normal Tuesday trash pick up, left for Newnan, and didn't even think about the fact that it was going to sit there all night until I returned to bring it in today.

I am so dumb sometimes.

Thank GOD for Denise and Paul across the street . . . yes, for the faithful readers, this is the same Denise and Paul that saved me the morning I locked myself out of the house back in January. Denise went out to walk her dog around 11:30pm last night and saw that the garage door was open and the trash can was at the street. She went back in her house and called me -- quickly realized I wasn't home -- put two and two together, and figured that I was probably down visiting my folks for the night. She was wonderful enough to bring in my can AND pull my garage door down manually.

She is fantastic -- what would I do without good neighbors? How lucky are we to have moved to this super friendly community, where people actually notice when something is fishy with a neighbor's home and are kind enough to do something about it?

Ugh -- I'm so grateful for her kindness, but so mad at myself for being so careless. I don't normally DO things like that! I'm very organized, together . . . I'm not the one that does the dumb stuff. I'm not.
Of course, when I told Denise that, I also told her she has NO reason to actually believe me. She and Paul have been single-handedly responsible for saving me from two of the stupidest things I've done in a long, long time.

Again -- can I blame this on the pregnancy? Denise totally did -- she just laughed, accepted my sincere gratitude, and told me that it was because I'm pregnant and focused on too many things right now.

I'll go with that.

Oh -- and, in stupid news outside the neighborhood, I did forget all of Meg's school supplies last week when I dropped her off at Friday preschool. She went to preschool with no sippy cup, no extra diapers, no extra outfit, NOTHING. The entire bag sat (smiling slyly at me, probably) in our kitchen. Meg's teacher just laughed at that dumb mistake and told me it was no big deal -- they'd make due without her stuuf -- and that it was pregnancy forgetfulness at it's peak.

Sheesh. How embarrassing.

Do I have 13 more weeks of this to look forward to??

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Of COURSE you can still use the pregnancy-brain excuse! I STILL use it and I haven't been pregnant in almost 2 years! :) Now it's just "toddler brain". Ha!