Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Hot off the Press

It’s certainly no People magazine or front page of the NY Times . . . but some of my photos are being published in Perspectives Magazine, a quarterly magazine for teachers of music.

Meg’s music class teacher, Ms. Jan, is the editor of this publication. When she found out that I was a photographer, she asked if I’d mind taking some photos of her classes for her . . . for use in this publication and other various things for which she often needs ‘live action’ photos. I was glad to do it. I enjoy taking candid shots so much, and I knew that Meg would love staying to play through 4 different music classes in one day!

In the end, Ms. Jan was so grateful for the photos, we actually ended up bartering . . . tuition for our class in exchange for the photos. Fine by me -- free classes for something I enjoy, anyway. Sounds like a deal.

Now the Winter 2008 issue is going to press, and they sent me a ‘soft copy’ to share with my friends and family. My name – “Photos by Heather Dahlby, HD Portraits, Marietta, GA” – is all over the credits pages. Meg is even in the issue, sitting on Ms. Jan’s lap, participating in the class.

Just a little ego boost for me. Had to share it with all of you.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Very cool! Not a bad way to trade services either. Congratulations!!