Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Southern Hospitality

On the coattails of my ‘friends’ blog last week . . . I just have tell you how much fun it is to see and visit with friends that have moved away. It's wonderful to gab with old friends . . . especially when it feels as if you picked up where you left off . . . that nothing has changed since they left. We were lucky enough to reconnect with our friends Andy and Morgan last weekend in Charleston, SC, to help them celebrate the upcoming arrival of their baby boy, Grady. It was a most fun and fabulous trip filled with good friends and lots and LOTS of baby talk.

It began with my arrival mid-day Friday . . . upon which I was swept away in Morgan’s fabulous white Tahoe and whisked directly downtown to the awesome Charleston Market. If you haven’t enjoyed this outdoor venue before, you are totally missing out . . . it’s a few blocks of vendors selling all kinds of artsy-craftsy stuff authentically hand created in Charleston (or at least most of it is). For example, Morgan and I indulged ourselves in a ‘Charleston Child’ booth where – you guessed it – we found fun little handmade outfits for our beautiful babies-to-be. Friday night we enjoyed dinner downtown . . . Jim and Andy were kind enough to help our waiter make his ‘drink quota’ and help him win a free bottle of liquor. Those boys of ours sure are kind, aren’t they?

Saturday was filled with MORE baby shopping – I was in total heaven! Charleston is soooo southern, and many of the boutiques we visited had the cutest southern baby clothes I’ve ever seen. While we dreamed of baby-powder-smelling cuteness, the boys golfed on what could have been the most perfect day – 65 degrees and not one cloud in the sky. Jim and Andy were fraternity brothers at Georgia Tech – close buddies at one time – and I know that they had a great day catching up and ‘being boys’ again. I love it when Jim gets a day like that . . . he’s been working SO hard lately, he totally and completely deserves it. (I just wish he could do it MORE often.)

Saturday night was the main event – the couples’ baby shower that had prompted our visit to the coast. Andy and Morgan have some truly awesome friends in Charleston . . . they hosted an awesome get-together for the parents-to-be. The party was spectacular – really, it deserves an adjective of such magnitude. The night ended with the boys upstairs playing poker in the kids playroom/bonus room (complete with Backyardigans posters on the wall to help set the mood for the guys!). Jim didn’t win – but he did win the golf game earlier that day, so I guess he can’t win them all.

Sunday dawned with a great brunch at a really cool spot on John’s Island called Mimi’s Café . . . Morgan had a connection with the owner, so she got us a table with no wait. This is one of those brunch places you avoid because it’s so crowded . . . unless you are with a rock-star friend like Morgan. I did some photos of Andy and Morgan together (bare belly and all), then boarded a plane back to (see my baby I missed so much!) Atlanta.

Thanks to Andy and Morgan for their southern hospitality in hosting us for the weekend. It is always great to see you both and spend time with you. You are great friends – we miss you here in Atlanta but love that you live in such a fun place to visit!!


Anonymous said...

Way to make a pregnant woman cry - you should know that's not allowed! It's great to hear that y'all had as much fun as we did - we'll do it again soon!

Morgan and Andy said...

We had so much fun with you guys. You are welcome back any time. All of our friends here enjoyed your company and it was nice having a piece of our Atlanta lives here to celebrate with us. Thank you so much for taking the pictures and we are excited about the results. Keep us updates on Kate's progress. Andy