Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Her Imagination is Growing

"There are only 6 dwarfs here, Meg." I comment to my daughter, as she lines up her Snow White figurines on the kitchen floor while I set the table for lunch.

"Yeah, I know Mommy. Grumpy is in our castle with the Wicked Queen. She's gonna cheer him up. He looks mad." It seems that the Grumpy and Wicken Queen figures have been banished to the landing of our staircase, which Meg now refers to as "Our Castle".

We sit down to lunch but are quickly interrupted.

" 'Cuse me, Mommy. I have to get up and check on Grumpy. I almost forgot to see if the Wicked Queen got him happy." And up she jumps to check on her friend.

"Nope, still Grumpy," she replies as she returns to her lunch.

1 comment:

The Cibulas said...

Now, that's the stuff I can't wait for!