Thursday, August 9, 2007

Did you Think we Disappeared??!!

You probably did -- and with good reason!

I'm finally back in full swing . . . June and July were a total blur, and I'm sorry to my (one or two) faithful readers that have not heard from us in a while! Let's see . . . June was packed full of fun things like a trip to Hilton Head and Meg's big first birthday celebration. In July we took off for a 3 week mid-west tour including Chicago, Kansas City, and Lake of the Ozarks. Oh yeah -- and in the middle of everything we sold our house and bought a new one! So, we returned from our trip and frantically packed and moved to our new place. Whew! Is it August already??

Most of you know by now that we also got some great news in early July . . . we are expecting another beautiful baby Dahlby in early March 2008. Jim, Meg, and I are thrilled to bits to be welcoming another baby into the family. And, now with the bigger house, we have enough space for him/her! We find out in October if we'll be decorating in blue or pink . . . of course, Jim would LOVE a boy! I'll be sure to keep everyone posted of our pregnancy events as they unfold . . . I certainly hope this pregnancy is as uneventful as the last one was.

Now that we are in the house, we are busy settling in and getting ready for the fall. Of course, fall means FOOTBALL SEASON around here, so we are anxiously awaiting opening day. Georgia plays at night and Tech as a 3:30 match-up, both of which we will most likely watch with my dad down on his big screen TV in Newnan. Meg and I are also getting lined up with all of our fall activities, such as Meg's one-day-a-week preschool class, swimming lessons, and music classes. We keep ourselves very busy! The new place is in a great location for us . . . and the neighborhood is fantastic . . . so we also hope to do more things around here this fall and get to know our neighbors.
Life is good . . . finally settling down a bit . . . and we are going to keep writing more faithfully! Thanks to everyone that has asked "Did you stop your Blog?" -- it made me feel like people really ARE reading!
With Love -- More to come Soon --

1 comment:

Becky said...

What an exciting time for the Dahlby's! Congratulations on all of the great changes in your life. We couldn't be more happy for you!