Monday, August 27, 2007

What a Week!

Last week flew by . . . we had so many exciting things happening!

Meg did start preschool on Friday. Mind you . . . I use the term "preschool" lightly at her young age . . . it's one day a week for 3 hours with 7 other children. But -- who cares? -- she love it! She is the youngest child in her class . . . but the teacher said she held her own and had a great time! When I dropped her off, she could have cared less about mommy standing there . . . she got down out of my arms and went straight to all the toys. She had music class, art, outside play, story time . . . it was certainly an action packed 3 hours. I'm so happy to report that Meg loves school!! (What did mommy do with her 3 hours off?? Went consignment sale shopping -- what else?!)

After her super-fun Friday preschool adventure, my dad came to get Meg and take her to Newnan for the weekend. Jim and I had a wedding to attend, so we had planned to have my parents keep her . . . which, again, she enjoyed very much. Is there anything this kid doesn't like?! She had a great time with Grandaddy and Grandma . . . they went to visit some of Meg's great uncles, aunts, and her great grandma while she was with them. She came back home on Sunday . . . boy, I missed my boogie!

While Meg was galavanting off in Newnan, Jim and I went to Cliff Robinson and Erica Langford's wedding in Cartersville, GA. What a beautiful affair! Those two are so in love -- it's adorable. The wedding itself was outside . . . which was certainly warm, but rain-free and just beautiful. Congratulations to the happy couple -- and thanks for inviting us to share in your big day!
What ELSE did we do this weekend? Painted Meg's bedroom and bathroom! I'm working on getting the house in shape . . . which will take a while. Her room looks great -- pink, naturally -- and her bathroom is so cute with a new, monogrammed shower curtain. The kitchen is next . . . we are having new countertops and a new sink installed over the next week. It should look SO fantastic when we are done!!
Please check the Picasa site for new pictures . . . I've been very dedicated to pictures lately :) I also had 2 shoots this week . . . so I've put some new pictures from those up, also.
Have a GREAT week!!

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