Tuesday, July 14, 2009


What happened?
How did this happen?
Where would you like her body to go?
Would you like her cremated or buried?
When would you like the service?
Would you like any scripture?
What songs would you like?
Something to put her remains in?
What time of day should we have the service? How many people do you think will come?
What picture would you like on the memorial brochure?
Where is Mom's Will?
When do we get the Death Certificate?
What is Probate Court, exactly?
Where should we go after the memorial service?
Who will provide food for the after-service gathering?
Can I help you with that? Can I do anything?
Can I bring you dinner? At what time? What do you like to eat?
Should the girls come to the service?
Do you want the girls at the service?
Who will bring them? Where will they sit?
Where will we stay the night of the service?
What do I need to pack?
What time to we leave?
When will we be coming back to Marietta?
When should Jim leave to go back to work?
What is for dinner?
What is for lunch?
Did the laundry get done?
What will everyone wear to the service?
Does my dad have the appropriate belt? Where are his socks?
Did someone clean up my dad's shoes?
Does Jim have a jacket that's dry cleaned and ready to go?
What time should the girls nap on the day of the service?
What should they wear?
What should I bring along to keep the girls entertained?
Did you find that picture for the Memorial brochure?
I'll take Meg to dance class -- where is it? What time? What does she need?
Heather -- where are you? The phone is for you.
Can you call me back?
Mommy! Mommy! Where is my Lovee?
Can I watch a movie?
Can you call Allstate about her car insurance?
How are we ever going to start the cleaning out process?
What is the plan for today?
What is the plan for tomorrow?

And where do we go from here?

1 comment:

Twinkletoes said...

Thinking of you - keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.