Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Man Alive

A Family of Five

Had a shoot today that was stressing me out all week . . . the shoot was originally cancelled due to the inclimate weather we had on Saturday, and today was the reschedule date. Of course, 5 minutes after I had rescheduled, I checked the weather forecast for today . . . and all the way back on Friday they had depicted rain for today.

But when can those forecasters ever get something right -- 5 days in advance?
Um, today.

It was rainy when I woke up . . . or, super cloudy, at least. The kind of day when you have all the lights on in your house. The kind of day that is torture for a natural light photographer just like myself.

But, we couldn't seem to find a better date, so I loaded up the car and just hoped for the best.

It didn't turn out too bad . . . still, I'm not nearly done editing yet. Just picked a handful of 'good ones' that I liked and goofed with those a bit this afternoon.
But man -- a family of five is hard work! After my first experience with a large family, I promptly went home and raised my rates for anything larger than a family of four. On days like today, I'm REALLY glad I made that decision. The family could not have been nicer or easier to work with -- very well behaved kids -- it's just exhausting when you have that many to photograph.

And tomorrow -- after the Easter party at Meg's school -- I am working with a family of SIX.

Whew -- what a week!


The Cibulas said...

Adorable pics! Seems the weather didn't bother you at all!

Becky said...

So lovely -- especially all of the bare feet!