Friday, March 28, 2008


Another stomach bug got Meg and I on Wednesday. We are MUCH better today, but yesterday I was literally crying big tears because I felts so bad.

What is the deal with all the stomach viruses invading our house?? Is this what I have to look forward to with kids around for the next 20 or so years?? I had one last February and November, then this March version yesterday. Meg had one in September, November, and then a tiny bout on Wednesday.

Maybe THIS is why Jim travels so much . . . he has escaped the wrath of ALL of them!

Anyway, that's where we've been. I'm behind on HD Portraits -- nearly 3 sessions behind, which is pretty bad. Thank God for the NCAA tournment . . . Jim won't mind if I spend some time catching up tonight and tomorrow while he watches those sweaty college kids pass that orange ball back and forth across the court.

More later . . . we we've recoped and I'm all caught up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, I am so sorry girls! I know all to well about this! We have litterally been non-stop sick since mid Jan! It doesn't want to let up here!

I got a massice chest and head cold on Mon and am down and out for the count STILL! Exhaustion has gotten the better of me! 2 of the kids and Jon(the guy who NEVER gets sick)got is on Thurs!

I hope you are resting!
Get well soon!
