Sunday, September 7, 2008

What to Post About?

I had a few things on my mind to post about . . .

Our dinner club, which we've been a part of now for 5 years. We all got together Sunday afternoon . . . and I mean ALL of us, which is 10 adults and 7 children. It's funny how our 'club' has gone from Saturday night gatherings that lasted until 1am to Sunday afternoon meetings that start mid-afternoon. It's been so much fun to watch the families grow and to share so much of each other's lives in this ever-changing period we are are in. I enjoy every 'meeting' we have.

Kate's incessant . . . and I mean continuous, monotonous, headache-causing . . . crying when in the car. It's constant. If she's not asleep (and it seems that she rarely is while driving), she is wailing from her seat. It absolutely is enough to make you want to pull your ears right off your head. Add to that a 2 year old yelling, "Kate CRYING!" and "Don't CRY KATE!" from the backseat, and it is just about enough to make you pull over, jump out, and run screaming from the car. I've thought about doing it, trust me. Jim, Meg, and I just returned from a 40 minute car ride, with audio pleasures by Ms. Kate Allison, herself . . . during which we thanked Meg many times for her patience with all the screaming. This phase flat out SUCKS, and I can't wait for it to end.

Georgia Football. And the fact that Meg can spell G-E-O-R-G-I-A. Yes, yes -- I am watching football. I know I haven't posted about it, but I will. I'm every bit as excited about my now # 2 Dawgs as I've been every year . . . just a little more to juggle in life as I watch it. Yesterday was a hoot . . . trying to watch the game with Meg, Kate, Jim, and my dad . . . going up and down the stairs a million times for different reasons . . . putting Kate to sleep, Meg to nap, feeding Kate, entertaining Meg . . . I'm surprised my dad stayed for the whole thing! But, I did manage to watch the game and loved seeing my Dawgs doing so well. More posts on the Dawgs as the season goes on, I'm certain.

But no, none of those topics could trump what I found when rifling through some photos this evening. Check this out:

Jim and Meg, August 2007

Jim and Meg, September 2008

Jim's weight loss is ASTOUNDING. I saw the new picture and remembered the older one . . . the immediately pulled up the comparison. It's amazing. I remember Jim hating that picture of him from the end of last summer . . . even though I thought it was a cute daddy-daughter pic. Now I bet even HE is glad we have that one so we can 100% appreciate the change he has made.

I'm very, VERY proud of you, Jim. It's been a long 9 months -- but LOOK at how your hard work has paid off! Fantastic, fantastic work, Love.

As for me, my WW (Weight Watchers in short hand) update has me at 155 lbs. I'm getting there! Just about 10 pounds to go until pre-baby weight. But, I don't think I'll be jumping back into my old clothes, even at 145 lbs. I'm noticing more and more that my body is just different . . . mostly related to the spreading of my lovely hips. (MMM, thank you, Kate.) They'll go back . . . but WW can't help me with that one. Only time. Well, I've got time, so I'll just wait it out. At least if I know I'm not heavier than I was before baby, I'll feel better. (Right?)

Hope you and yours had a great weekend. I went a little bit crazy with some picture taking, so I'm sure that you'll be seeing that as the week goes on . . . that will give me something to post about for sure.


Keisha said...

Tanner was the same way in the car!!! He HATED riding in the seat facing backward. (Yes, the 8 hour trip to FL was great fun!!!) He enjoyed car rides a lot more once we turned him around ... I know that seems a long way away ... Hang in there!!

Twinkletoes said...

SOrry to hear about Kate in the car. Both of mine did that - but my son was by far the worst. He got MUCH better once I put him in the rear-facing convertible carseat. I don't know if it was more comfortable or what, but he was much better.

Becky said...

Jim, you're an inspiration! Congratulations!!