Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I'm Just Catching You Up

Since last Friday, our family has been going 100 miles an hour.

Saturday -- Jim took Meg down to Georgia Tech to tailgate with friends before the game against Mississippi State. I stayed home with Kate and got ready to host a party later that evening. Meg came home, napped, redressed, and off we went to a birthday party (at which Meg secured a Thomas the Tank Engine whistle which is now her favorite 'outside' toy). We returned home, collected ourselves, then hosted a very fun evening gathering of a dozen adults and 8 kids.

Sunday -- My shoot was cancelled, so we spent the day as a family. We went for a hike (yes, we never do things like that . . . Jim had a wild hair that morning). We went to the park. We made dinner together.

Monday -- Jim flew out early for a week long (5 Day! ugh!) trip to Alaska. The girls and I went to music class, then met a friend at the park for a pre-lunch playdate. We came home, napped, then played in the drive way with a neighbor for more than 2 hours in the afternoon. Oh, and I busted out the Bumbo for Kate . . .

Today -- Tuesday -- Meg went preschool, Kate and I grocery shopped. My dad (AKA Granddaddy) came to visit and we took the girls to the North Georgia State Fair -- after afternoon naps, of course. The fair was fantastic and a total blast for Meg. I can't wait to take her back when she can ride a few more of the (reasonably safe) children's rides. She ate junk food, went to the petting zoo, and won a Dora doll at the midway . . . fairs like this one never, ever change.

Tomorrow is all set to be busy with playdates and a park adventure. Thursday Meg will go off to school again and I'll run errands. Friday brings a morning playdate, daddy's return, and a local parade.

WHAT a week this is. I feel like I'm running a marathon, and I am really just a stay-at-home mom. Next week, we are laying low . . . I need recovery time.

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