Wednesday, September 24, 2008


It is never quiet around here. Since Meg busted out and started talking (really talking) in February, the place hasn't seen a silent moment. Meg starts talking as soon as she wakes up.

  • "I gonna be a guh girl t'day," was how she greeted me yesterday.
  • "Ooo! Ooo! Yee-bi come'n see us!" is what she says when our cat, Levi, jumps in her bed each morning.
  • "No poop in a pull-up," she says some mornings, to let me know that her Pull Up is dry.

The talking continues all day.

"What do you want for breakfast, Meg?" I'll ask.
"See-we-ell paweese," -- which can be translated to: cereal please.

"Which shoes today?" I'll ask.
"White sneakers," she'll reply with amazing clarity. Her white sneakers -- not any others. (BTW, she doesn't have any other sneakers.)

"How about turkey and cheese for lunch?" is asked mid-morning.
"No, grill cheese sam-wich, paweese." is the reply I'm getting these days.

"Do you want to go to the park?"
"Yeah. Yeah. Aff-tah Meg's nap," is her response. Why, I don't know. She wants to do everything after her nap.

Other favorites of mine include:

"Cin-da-well-wa" or Cinderella
"The Yi-ion Ting" or The Lion King
"Peet-za!" or Pizza
"Cake Awake!" or Kate is awake
"I 'tiss Tate" or I kissed Kate
"Air-pain come'n pick us up" or the airplane's coming to pick us up

Phrases we hear again and again:

"I did _________ two times!" She thinks that she does everything two times, for some reason.

"Meg saw that yes-ta-day." Anything in the past happened yesterday.

"I too reach!" which really means she can't reach. I think she is over-using the word "too" here. Sometimes things are too heavy or too hard . . . which have negative meanings to her. So, when she can't reach, she too reach. If you were just learning this language, that would make sense, right?

"Too much potatoes!" which actually means not enough. She has 'too much' totally confused. She says it often, but she always means exactly the opposite.

Now she sings, too. Her favorite, as mentioned last week, is "I Just Can't Wait to be King" from Disney's The Lion King. The kid sits in the back seat of our car ("Mommy's Car," as she calls it) and belts out not just the chorus of the song, but bits and pieces of the verse, too. She also is a big fan of "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" and the ABC Song. I love it all. We almost always listen to "Meg's Music" when we drive somewhere and -- if we are riding somewhere as a family -- Jim and I often stop talking to listen to her sing from her carseat.

I asked her the other day, "Hey, what do you think Kate's first word will be?"
Her reply?

I know it will happen . . . but I can't imagine . . . that one day, I'll come into the room, and both of my girls will be engrossed in a coversation that I'm not a part of. They'll talk to each other. And there are some days in which I long for Meg to have those future conversations with her sister right now . . . ahhh, to have someone else to carry the conversation with my chatter box kid.

But -- I do have to remember back to the end of last year, and how much I wanted Meg to start talking. I don't regret that -- I did want her to start yaking, and I love it now that she does (even on the long days!). Having a talking toddler is even more amazing than I thought it would be. It's truly like nothing else. It's quirky and fun, and you almost always get a laugh at some part of the day. The things that come out of her mouth are hilarious, amazing, intelligent, and shocking. I love hearing her opinions, her thoughts, her silliness. It's really the best.

I invite you to leave a comment and share one of your favorite 'kid-isms' -- I think every mom gets a laugh out of what other kids say.


Keisha said...

Here's one for you -- I'm going to blog about it ... at dinner tonight Tanner told me, "I have wee-wee. I boy." "Yes, Tanner, that's right. Tanner is a boy." "Sissy grrrd." Yes, Kendall is a girl." "Sissy have tu-tu." "Yes, Kendall is a girl. Now eat your taco." "Daddy, boy. He have wee-wee." And this went on and on in a circular fashion until dinner was over. I was rolling by the end!!

The Cibulas said...

That is hilarious! I loved the Megisms! Keep sharing! BTW, I just caught up on the last month of your life...oh, what Ive missed!