Monday, September 1, 2008

Back to Work

Yep, it's been about 14 weeks, and I'm going back to 'work' again.
I had 2 shoots last week, and I'm still working on the editing. The fact that I have taken TWO weeks to edit them doesn't bode well . . . I used to edit in one week's time. Oh well. I don't charge enough for people to be allowed to complain. At least, that's how I look at it.

Here are a few shots from the recent sessions . . . it doesn't help that I don't have my favorite lens right now (still being repaired from the pool incident), but the shoots went OK, just the same.

If I sound mad about the idea of going back to work, make no mistakes -- I'm not mad or upset at all. I'm looking forward to it, honestly. Just feeling a bit uninspired. I wanted to do so much more with photography while I was on my break, but . . . life with two kids and a traveling husband made that a little harder than I had anticipated. I'll just have to inspire myself as I go, I guess.

It's all OK. I'll go back to 'shooting' and I'm confident the clients will be happy. After all -- I have at least one thing going for me: it's hard to keep people from loving photos of their kids.

1 comment:

The Fokens Family said...

Beautiful work... It's getting me excited for next month:)
I can't believe your maternity leave is already up!