I just had to let you know . . . we are having a good week at the Dahlby house.
Both girls have napped mid-day for three days in a row. There has been at least a 45 minute overlap in naps . . . time in which I can do my own thing. Sure, I used to get better than 2 hours of 'me' time each afternoon, but these days I'll take what I can get. I'll take my 45 minutes and smile about it, damn it!
And Kate has slept through the night for the past FIVE consecutive nights. I can't believe it. I called the pediatrician to make sure that her sleeping wasn't interfering with her eating. I just can't let a good thing go by without worry, as you well know. The nurse said just praise God and
let her sleep. My thoughts exactly.
Nana Dahlby arrived yesterday for a brief, work-related visit, and we took full advantage of her extra set of hands and eyes. All us girls had a pool outing in the afternoon, complete with sliding and tons of jumping in. It wore ME out, and Meg slept soundly last night (until 8:00am this morning!). Nana helped with dinner and bedtime . . . it's nice to have her here since this is Jim's first week back to traveling. With her help, I can put off my worry about that situation for at least another week or so.
Our fun-filled music camp has gone well each morning, much to my delight. Kate, my sleepy bug, has slept through each session. Meg, my outgoing toddler, is now (after 3 days) holding hands with classmates and singing along with the teacher. It's been a fun morning experience.
And today . . . on a whim and because I like to push the limits . . . I took both girls out to lunch. I'm crazy, I know. We just went to our local Chic-fil-a, but BOY that was enough to get Meg totally psyched. We ate and played on the indoor playground . . . then returned home for a nap.
What a week, what a week. MUCH better than the previous two.
Maybe it's my attitude? Maybe it's my toddlers 'tude. Maybe it's the sleep. Who cares? It's GOOD.
This post made me smile :) Looks like mama might be getting her groove back!
Glad to hear there is light at the end of the tunnel - I am glad I will have you to turn to when mine comes along.... See you soon
Isn't a great feeling? The "I CAN do this by myself and live" feeling. And when everyone gets back home, safe and sound, you realize that you are stronger than you thought!!
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