Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Battle of the Baby Bulge

You've heard me mention the fact that I have no clothing to wear and that I'm not exactly happy with the state of my mother-0f-two body right now. Well, it's official: The Battle of the Baby Bulge 2008 is ON.

One thing that people often comment on with this blog is the honesty. So here it is -- the 100% truth about my weight. After all, if I lie about it, the person I'm really lying to is myself.

Top Weight at 39 weeks pregnant in mid-June 2008: 185 lbs
Total weight gained during pregnancy: 40 lbs
Weight last week, at my post-pardum check up: 165 lbs
Where I'd like to be: Back in the 145 lb range. 140 lbs, actually, is golden for me.
Weight loss goal: 20-25 lbs

Keep in mind -- if those numbers sound high -- I am 5' 8", so I carry more weight than all you petite little 5-footers out there. And, if the numbers still sound high, then that's just life. I've learned that the number is somewhat important, but what matters more is how you look and how feel about yourself. At 145 lbs, I think I look pretty good and I feel pretty great about myself.

Sitting here at 165 lbs, not so much.

I'm pretty dissatisfied with my reflection in the mirror these days. I kid you not . . . I prefer to go out in public toting Kate around so that people know I'm in the shape I'm in because I have a little, tiny baby. I'm crazy, yes. Why do I care what strangers think, anyway?!

I'm fighting this Baby Bulge battle with my favorite weight loss weapon: Weight Watchers. I've done it before -- twice -- and it worked very, VERY well both times. When we were trying to conceive Meg (and having so much trouble) back in 2005, I dropped about 20 lbs in about 4 months time. Then, post-Meg in autumn 2006, I did it again and lost all the baby weight . . . and then some. Here I am, on round # 3, and I'm just crossing my fingers that it goes as well as in previous battles.

This time around, I have a partner . . . Jim is back on his weight-loss wagon and is going full force into battle with me. He actually officially joined Weight Watchers and is now weighing in and attending meetings weekly. I've done that before -- but this time, I'll get my inspiration from him and weigh myself in my own bathroom. The idea of trying to find time for meetings right now scares me into staying fat, to say the least. I'll do the 'work from home' route and hope for results that are the same as those who are somewhat more dedicated than I.

My Jim -- he's lost 50 lbs since January. He's hoping to loose even more. I'm hoping to help by doing the program with him. I'm so very proud of what he's accomplished, and I'm excited to see him work hard and get to a place that makes him both happy and healthy. Weight Watchers is working for him, too . . . but that stinker gets better than 40 points a day because of his current weight and because he's a dude! I guess I can't complain . . . I get 30+ because I'm a nursing mom. I remember being at a meeting and one much older lady saying to me, "You get so many points! I want to start nursing a baby!!"

My real goal is to get back into my favorite clothes . . . and I'm shooting for a Christmas fashion show of all my old favorites. That's about how long it took me to loose it all with Meg . . . 6 months. So, if on my 31st birthday (in January) I'm wearing my favorite old jeans out to celebrate, I'll consider it one happy birthday.

I know, I know. I've had two kids. It all doesn't go back the same. The scale may say 145 lbs again, but my clothes still might not fit. Please don't feed me any more negative stuff in an effort to help me maintain appropriate expectations. I expect to fit in my clothes, be it reasonable or unreasonable. That's all there is to it. And I'm very confident it will happen . . . if not, I'll have some trouble handling that. A bridge we can burn when the battle gets us that far.

I'll keep you updated. I started the program last week . . . I'm now on a blissful Day 7. I've done well, kept to my points, and the needle on the scale is somewhere between that 160 and 165 lb mark. As long as it keeps moving to the left, I'm in good shape (or, I guess I'm working on being in good shape).

The 'Before' photo

Taken July 13th, 2008. Kate was just about a month old, and I would guess I was around 168 lbs then. Can't wait to take a picture of me in this dress when it fits like it should!


Anonymous said...

Yay for you (and Jim) for doing the WW program. I think it is the best weight loss plan out there. You will do great and have those unwanted pounds off by Christmas for sure. I didn't realize you were so tall. I am a WW Lifetime member and love to hear about others doing this program. Good luck!

Anne said...

You look great - However I know how you feel is all that matters. I think it is wonderful that you and Jim are doing this together it helps to not be alone. If you ever need any help let me know it is what I do for a living.

The Fokens Family said...

I think you look fab-u-lous-o, but it IS so annoying when you can't fit into your clothes! When you are nursing, you are SO hungry.It's really hard not to eat b/c you're burning all those calories!

Becky said...

Doing the weight loss thing together is fantastic!! Please talk your cousin into getting on board too -- he's not very supportive when we roll up to Bruster's or Dairy Queen right in the middle of a good week for me. *sigh*

Must get him on board too, and must get all of your WW secrets :)

Tiffany Payment said...

Good for you!!!! I will be doing the same things when baby gets out because I want to feel good in my skin!

Hope we can drop pounds/inches together!

BTW....I still think you look amazing!

The Cibulas said...

I think you look fabulous--you have a happy Mommy glow! However, Im cheering for you in your weight loss agenda--I cant wait to hear about the baby love shedding! I know you will do great!

Keisha said...

Girl, you know I am a big fan!!! And it will happen; you may be even smaller than you were before after baby number 2. It's strange what hormones do to your body. And chasing 2 kids around ... and trying to find time to eat ... drinking water is so much easier!! Good luck!