Sunday, February 24, 2008

Everybody Have Fun Tonight

As the old 80's song goes . . .

Jim and I did our fair share of Wang-Chungging Saturday night at my buddy Marsha's 30th birthday bash.

Yes, it was an 80s theme . . . and YES, that was hard for me to pull off with my belly sticking out. But we managed to scrounge up some digs (thanks to Julie, my fab-o sister-in-law) and go in the best 80s fashion we could muster.

On the ride to the par-tay, Jim said, "Don't you need to stop at Target or WalMart for something?"

I just grunted and told him to keep driving.

It certainly was FUN -- and I hope you have fun checking out everyone's glamourous attire. In my book, Keisha wins 'best dressed' for her ability to pull off a Madonna-in-Lucky-Star type outfit with some very creative touches.

1 comment:

Keisha said...

Thanks so much for the award!! I tried!! And there were pregnant women in the 80s -- why was it so hard???? (You could have gone for the "Papa Don't Preach" idea ...)