Sunday, November 2, 2008

Up Since 5:30am

Not even because of Kate.

I have a shoot at 9am this morning . . . one that I'm very nervous about. It's a BIG family shoot. Grandma & Grandpa, their 2 adult children, and their collective 5 little kids. ELEVEN people. 6 adults, 2 'kids', 3 babies. Granted, I only have to get a couple of shots of the big group . . . but I'm still nervous.

I'm nervous because I want to try some new stuff . . . and I hope they like it.
I'm also nervous because I've never been to the place where we are shooting.
The fact that it's such a large group -- the largest I've ever shot -- doesn't help, either.

Cross your fingers for me. I'll post some of the shots, once I have a chance to take a look at them.

If they are any good, that is.


Anonymous said...

can't wait to see these & hear about your new ideas!!

Keisha said...

So how did it go? I'm sure you were wonderful!! I imagine you are editing as I write. Check your calendar this week ...

Twinkletoes said...

I can't wait to see your pics!!!