Oh, but no worries. Nobody is sick. We are potty training.
Meg has been ready for quite a while now, but we wanted to delay her potty usage until after baby sister arrived. Since the news of Kate's arrival, she'd already been kicked out of her room and forced to share the attention of mom and dad . . . we thought that was enough change, at least until Kate was actually here.
How do we know she's ready? She tells us when she has to go. She tells us when she's gone. She knows NOT to go poo-poo in the bathtub (which has given way to two very messy circumstances of which I will spare you the details). She asks for a clean diaper. Hell, she'll come up to you, declare, "Dirty Diaper," then go GET a clean diaper and lay on the floor in our 'diaper changing
Well, with the window open SO wide, Jim and I decide to take the leap. On Thursday, we decided that Friday (the 4th) would be the last day for diapers. I brought the idea up to Jim in the morning, and by nap time our decision was made. When Meg woke up from her normal Thursday afternoon nap, we had a big talk about the potty. I took her to Target to purchase 'big girl panties.' Another clue she was ready . . . she'd seen what she calls Einstein Panties at Target the week prior (panties decorated with characters from Disney's Little Einsteins). She had NOT stopped talking about the panties -- and the fact that we had to go back to Target to buy them.
Buy them we did . . . and Dora panties and Elmo panties, too. Friday we talked with Meg about it being the last day for diapers ALL DAY LONG. My parents, who joined us for 4th festivities, helped by asking Meg all about her new panties. Friday night, with Meg tucked in bed dreaming of her big girl panties, Jim looked up potty training tips on the Internet.
Then Saturday morning came. Over the nursery monitor, I heard Meg talking to herself, indicating she was up and ready for the day.
I said to Jim, "Are you ready for this?"
And we hit the ground running.
The morning was rough. The first pee-pee was free flowing, all over the living room carpet. Luckily, Jim caught her mid-stream . . . it probably could have been worse. There were 3 or 4 incidents immediately following. By 10am, we'd blown through 5 pairs of panties. I think Jim was discouraged. I told him to hang tough . . . it was barely snack time, so we'd have to just see how the day went. Jim decided he'd go work on putting together Meg and Kate's new backyard playscape (a feat worthy of it's own blog) . . . so I was left in the house with Kate and Meg.
I set up towels in the living room, which Meg got a kick out of. I think she thinks it's like a little picnic in the house. Each time we left the potty, Meg retired to her towels and was totally content to sit there and play or watch TV. I pumped her full of apple juice, and we went back and forth to the potty every 10 minutes or so. It was a bit exhausting. I don't know how many books I read to her while she sat, but I must admit . . . it was worth it in the end.
Before 11am, we'd had success . . . pee pee in the potty. As lunch time approached, we were doing great . . . a second successful pee-pee. Each time, Meg ran outside to yell her successes down to Daddy, working hard in the backyard.
And then she pooped. IN the potty. What a big deal we made of that accomplishment . . . complete with M&Ms and any movie she wanted on the TV (so we bribe -- don't judge). By the time nap time came around, I was feeling like this was a GREAT day.
Lunch and nap time passed. The pull-up used during nap was dry when she woke up, which was followed by a great pee in the potty. And by 5pm, she was declaring, "Poo Poo!" when she had to go. We'd run to the toilet each time she asked. Granted, it was usually not poo, but I don't care WHAT she calls it. She could call it strawberry ice cream, if she wants. As long as it ends up in the toilet, the rest is insignificant.
She wore the same panties from nap time until bedtime. NO accidents.
I'm so proud, I don't know what to do. I wish I could tell her -- or that she could really understand -- how proud. She has done phenomenal. It's amazing.
I'm not kidding myself to think that it is this easy. I realize that it will take a few weeks to really get into the swing of things. And we haven't tried to leave the house . . . that is a whole separate issue. But for now, the first hurdle is done. I am realtively sure Meg has grasped the concept, and now we just have to work on consistency.
The idea of a potty-trained toddler is just awesome. Buying only ONE set of diapers will save us some serious dinero. And the idea of it being as easy as a weekend at home in panties and a t-shirt is unbelievable.
The saga will continue . . . I'll let you know how it goes.
Wow Meg! You are doing so great!! Such a big girl -- my goodness! You show Kate how it's done as a big girl. When her time comes, mom and dad can have you show her the ropes :)
Way to go Meg!
I am super impressed. Way to go Big Girl Meg! When our time comes I will be asking for lots of pointers!
Go Meg...Big girl on the potty!
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