Saturday, January 26, 2008

Dr Jekyl, Mr Hyde

Okay, so here is an example of the rollercoaster that incisors bring . . .

Friday morning: sluggish, whiney, not-quite-right
Friday 8:30 am: administer baby ibuprofen
Friday 9-12pm: school -- reported that she is clingy and quiet all morning

And then we had lunch . . .

But by the time the sitter came around 6pm yesterday evening, she was back to whiney and whimpery . . . barely eating much dinner at all.

Oh well. We'll just keep lovin' on her because . . . well . . . that is the only thing I know to do!

1 comment:

Lexi's Mom said...


This is too cute! Meg's words sound really clear and her laugh just makes you have to laugh out loud. This video clip is precious.
