Thursday, September 6, 2007

Meg Has New Shoes

I friggin’ love these shoes. I could not wait for Meg to start walking so that I could buy her these fantastic kicks. Yes, they are girly. Yes, they are traditional. That is why I love them! When I was a little girl, I had my own paten leather shoes, and I loved those, too. My parents tell me I wore them to bed, I loved them so much. Now I’m a grown woman, and Jim bought me the cutest paten leather Mary Jane heels for Christmas a few years ago . . . I’ve worn them so much, the sole is practically gone. I’m looking for a shoe guy to fix them up for me. No, I’m not kidding.

What is about being a girl that I love so much? I wish I could say. But I am a true blue girly-girl, and I think just about everyone reading this knows that about me. I love hair bows, pink, purses, shopping, and everything else that is GIRL. I wish I could have been a cheerleader in high school or college . . . that is SO girly, with their fun skirts and pom poms. But, alas, I was in the band . . . at least I played the Clarinet, which is a pretty girly instrument.

When Jim and I found out that we were having a baby girl, I was beside myself. I tell the story often of how I woke up crying at 2am the night after we found out Meg was a girl . . . and I woke Jim up to . . . just so excited and elated that we were having a girl. I feel pretty lucky to have my girl now. Her room is – you guessed it – pink, and she wears a bow in her hair every day. And now she has some rockin’ paten leather shoes that I think are the cutest things ever.

What happens if she grows up to be a tom boy??


Anonymous said...

I remember when you made your own red mary janes to wear to formal!!

Heather Dahlby said...

I had forgotten about that! Thanks for reminding me . . . those are probably still around here somewhere . . .