Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I Love Days Like This

Today was a really fun day. The kind of day you aren’t necessarily anticipating being any better than usual . . . but the kind of day where, when it’s done and you look back, you think of it as one of the just plain old fabulous days.

For starters, Meg slept until 7:45. Any day that she sleeps in is good! Jim did have to leave to go out of town, which was the low point of the day. But – silver lining – he’s back tomorrow night.

Meg and I had invited a friend of mine and her 5 month-old son to come over and visit us for lunch. Really, my intention was to show my friend some of the tools I use to post photos, etc., on the internet . . . but she and I spent so much time talking and sharing stories that we barely did any computer work at all. Heck, we barely ate lunch. It was great. We had a MILLION things to talk about --- so much more in common that I think either of us realized before --- and the kids were great and let us gab away during our visit. It was a truly pleasurable few hours with a friend . . . lately, I have missed that! I was really glad to have her over, and I know we have many more visits like that ahead of us.

But – much to my surprise – our day was not nearly over.

After Meg’s pm nap, I decided the day had come to surpass yet another toddlerhood milestone: she needed her first haircut. I think she’s needed it for a while . . . but I didn’t want to lose her curls in the back. I wanted her to stay baby!! But, when my dad told me even he thought her hair was bit shaggy . . . I decided it was time. So we jumped in the car and headed for Pigtails and Crewcuts (with camera in had to document the occasion).

We had to wait about 15 minutes – but the haircut boutique ROCKED, so the wait was no problem. Meg played and made a few friends before we jumped in the chair for the cut. They didn’t take much hair, really . . . they just cleaned up the shaggyness on top and in the back. The lady that did Meg’s hair was very kind, which I appreciated so much. I pleaded with the woman to save as many of Meg’s curls as she could . . . she happily obliged. Thank goodness! I was a bit worried that Meg might come out looking like a boy . . . her hair wasn’t too long to begin with . . . but she didn’t. She still looks girl and cute . . . and her curls are still in tact. The first haircut was a success!

The haircut boutique shares the same shopping center as a Brewster’s Ice Cream . . . if that isn’t excellent property planning, I don’t know what is. Of course we stopped over for ice cream after the haircut . . . and I think just about every other family we saw getting haircuts did exactly the same thing. Who cares that it was 5:00 and dinnertime was looming? When you are already parked and out of the car, it’s hard to say no to Brewster’s.

Meg fed herself nearly her entire cup of chocolate chip ice cream – which was, honestly, not as messy as you might think. I love that she is so independent and wants to feed herself. It’s fantastic. It makes me PROUD of her! I think you could say that using a spoon is another toddlerhood milestone . . . which makes for a quite a big week at our house, I guess.

Following our excellent afternoon adventure, we stopped over to see my dear friend and her family (husband, 2 boys) . . . and ended up staying for dinner. Our visit was awesome . . . my friend hadn’t had the best day at work, so stopping by to visit ended up being very refreshing for her . . . I think she enjoyed the break and the company. I know I certainly did. I always love visiting her and her family . . . really, it’s like we are sisters. And, now that we all have kids, it’s REALLY like that. I was all up in her fridge and pantry not 10 minutes after I entered the house! I love LOVE friends like that.

Whew, what a day. Now it’s late, Meg is snoozing, and I’m just reliving our fantabulous Wednesday. I just love days like this.


The Fokens Family said...

LOVE the new hair cut. Can she get any more beautiful??

Heather Dahlby said...

Thanks, Erica! I think it's kinda pixie-ish . . . almost like a twiggy hairdo!

The Cibulas said...

We had a great time! Can we visit again? Her new hair cut is too cute!