Monday, May 19, 2008

It's Quiet Here Today

For the past six days, Meg and I have been hosting Jim's family . . . Nana, Papa, and Aunt JuJu were here to visit and help us do anything and everything around our house so we could feel 100% ready to take on the arrival of Baby Kate. Oh yeah, Jim was around too for a little while . . . at least late Thursday through early morning Sunday.

It's been a hectic week, but a great one. We always enjoy having them here . . . and now that they have a space of their own in the basement (they were able officially able to shack up in the basement bedroom this trip), we have plenty of space for everyone. And everyone can have a little space to themselves . . . namely, ME, who enjoys a few minutes of quiet time sacked away in my bedroom every now and then.

We did SO much around here -- and even managed to find time to get out and have fun at a local Greek Festival. We put in a new screen door on our deck, repainted mailbox numbers, bought and brought home a playscape for the girls (to be assembled at a later date), fixed buttons on shirts and pillows, cleaned and reassemble baby gear, and a muriad of other little odd jobs that were on a list a mile long. And when I say 'we' did these things . . . I should not take much credit. I was a great 'director' this week, but I didn't do a whole lot of actual work. Everyone was just fantastic and begged me to rest while they busied themselves around the house.

The week flew by. Now, everyone has returned home . . . and Jim's in San Francisco . . . so it's back to just Meg and me. It's quite quiet around here today.

After all of our hard work this week and in weeks past, the nursery is . . . . ta da! . . . complete. Thanks to the help of Paulette (also known as Nana and Mom in these parts), a few little projects were completed, and the neapolitan room sits in waiting for a sweet-smelling princess Kate to adorn it. Because I know that I've talked and talked about the room . . . here is the official unveiling:

Yes, the amount of clothing in the closet is silly . . . it's 0-3 and 3-6 . . . plus the dressers are full! Two summer girls in two years, so it's to be expected, I guess.

I painted the name on the wall! With the help of a projector from Jim's office, we traced the letters and filled them in . . . quite an artist, eh? (Oh -- and there is my new, fun diaper bag hanging on the dresser.)

I made these for Meg's nursery . . . they fill up the wall nicely for her little sister . . .

This is my view from the rocking chair . . .

Went with the lambs again because we had so many for Meg . . . although I will admit that 'Kate had a Little Lamb' doesn't have the same ring as 'Megan' did.

Lots of picture frames to be filled throughout the room, as you would imagine!

Now that I see the pictures, it doesn't really do justice to the room. I love it . . . it's going to be a great space for Kate. It's so big, she has her own bathroom . . . what more could a girl ask for, really? You will have to come admire it for yourself when Kate arrives in the next couple of weeks. Thanks again to Jim's mom -- and Jim -- for their help in putting it all together.

I guess I should go about my quiet day now, although I really have little to acutally 'do' around here. I'll play with Meg . . . funny, she didn't go anywhere away from me last week, but I still missed her. I miss getting 100% of her attention . . . I'm a spoiled mommy :)

Happy Monday to you all.


Tiffany Payment said...

My jaw dropped when I saw Kate's room! I wish we could have given our kids rooms like this....but we can't! Thankfully, they couldn't care less! Love her room and I know she will adore it!

Becky said...

Oh the nursery is divine!! You rearranged the furniture, didn't you? It looks great! Kate has a palace fit for a princess :) We can't wait to meet her!!

Get lots of rest mom -- your girlS will keep you on your toes in just a few weeks!

The Cibulas said...

Absolutely beautiful! I cant wait to see that wee little one in there!