Thursday, May 1, 2008

Hooray for Thursday

To update from yesterday . . .

Breakfast this morning was a breeze. A slight hint of whining . . . but nothing that is out of the ordinary. All food was consumed, and a happy mommy and Meg left the table in a friendly state.

Morning outings were perfect. Meg told mommy repeatedly "Poo Poo" while we were enjoying our swimming class . . . and sure enough, about 3/4 of the way through, she pooped. Happy that she'd TOLD ME BEFORE SHE WENT yet sad we had to leave the pool, we dried off and went to the locker room to change diapers. Is that a milestone -- telling me about #2 before the fact? I think maybe.

Lunch was every bit as pleasant as the 'old days' -- once again, food was eaten and times were enjoyed sans whines and cries.

Naptime . . . no problem. Went down at 1pm without a complaint, still snoozing soundly at 3:05pm.

I think we might have our big girl back. Our GOOD big girl.

Hooray for Thursday!! T-minus 3 1/2 hours until Jim gets home.

I do have to admit . . . now that Meg is back to her old self, I have a feeling that NOBODY will ever believe what happened around here the last 72 hours. Of course, she'll act like the angel when she is around daddy. I'll just keep my fingers crossed that the little devil does NOT return when Daddy leaves again Monday morning.


The Fokens Family said...

I'll go ahead and tell you that I don't believe that sweet Meg was a pistol!! J.K. We want that sassy side to work itself out before baby Kate arrives. SO excited for ya'll as your due date quickly approaches.

Becky said...

Jackson did just what Meg's doing before he turned 2. Some days were great, some days were really bad. She's starting to exert her independence and push the limits. Fun times :) It didn't last long with him, though. He decided sitting in time out wasn't worth it! Hang in there. This too shall pass...