Monday, October 8, 2007


This is going to be a hectic week.

How do I know? It's 8:15 pm, and only now have I had a minute to sit down and devote a few moments to the blog. I feel like I've denied my poor blog friend . . . and, sadly, I feel the denial may continue for a short period. No worries -- I faithfully pledge to renew my bloggy spirit once we have returned from our vacation.

Vacation? you ask. Yes. Vacation. Jim and I are off to Barbados at the end of this week for a very romantic, fun and sun filled, baby-less trip to the tropics.

We will be departing from ATL on Thursday, arriving in Barbados just 4 short hours later. There we plan to do a whole lot of nothing -- and a whole lot of cool stuff, too. We'll return on Monday. Meg will spend the entire time in Newnan with her Grandaddy and Grandma. To say that we are looking forward to the getaway would be the understatement of the year. To say that my parents are looking forward to having Meg for 5 days would be the understatement of the CENTURY.

Everyone is excited about the week to come. But -- before we take off to tanning and sleeping-in in Barbados -- we have to get through the week. I have so much editing to do for HD Portraits . . . 3 shoots in the past week. Jim has to travel tomorrow and Wednesday, returning late Wednesday night. There is a lot of packing to do . . . even if Meg isn't going along on the trip. I have to get us ready for Barbados and her ready for Newnan . . . both tasks equally challenging.

I also need to keep up with our daily activities, such as music this morning and swimming tomorrow. Oh, and then there was the pop-in visit my dad did today (welcome, of course . . . but about 3 hours were used for the unplanned activity) . . . the visit to my cousin this afternoon . . . running by Meg's doctor and her school to transfer some paperwork . . . etc etc etc.

Like I said, it will be a hectic week. I usually let myself think -- "Oh, this is only one week. Life will settle down once we get back." But why kid myself? Life is NEVER going to settle down.

And that's OK with me.

Here's to a Hectic Week!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Oh wow! I hope you have a fabulous time. I know that Meg will :) Enjoy the RnR!!