Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Cobbler's Child

Sometimes, I think that Meg is like the cobbler’s kid who didn’t have any shoes. She’s got this mom who LOVES photography – heck, even runs a business – yet she does not have too many actual studio portraits of herself. I’m trying to remedy that.

I’m so busy with HD Portraits right now, I just don’t have the time I’d like to play around with my own photos. I’m taking them, but I haven’t had time to get them up on-line. Man, when it rains, it pours. Business is really, really booming. I’m certainly not complaining . . . but I’m FULL in November! I am now consciously having to schedule time for the family on the weekends. I don’t want this thing to take over . . . I enjoy it so much, but I enjoy my family, too.

(Note to self: when people ask me the question, “Are you working?” I must STOP saying no. No longer do I “just stay home” – not that I ever “just” did anything. Staying home is harder than anyone thinks before they do it . . . and now I’m staying home and running a little business. Wow, look at me.)

So, on my calendar, I’ve had to schedule my OWN family shoot. Yes, as crazy as it sounds, I needed to put it on my calendar so that I’d be certain it was done. I have to get something done so that I can send out our holiday cards . . . and, can I tell you, I feel pressure for good pictures in that card! I know everyone will open ours and expect this great holiday photo. I’ll try, everyone . . . I hope I don’t let you down.

Even though she may not have too much in the way of studio shots, Meg is certainly not hurting for photos. Jim and I figured out that, between Meg’s birth and her 1st birthday, I took roughly SEVENTEEN THOUSAND photos. Not 1,700 . . . 17,000. Yes, we have an external hard drive just for photos. Yes, it’s almost full. It’s amazing.

I’m loving the new camera and all the fun that it’s brought to my photo shoots. It’s just a really RAD piece of equipment. I thought it might be easy to pick it up and start using it since it’s a better, more updated version of the camera I already have. Then I realized it’s a better, more updated version of the camera I had. Duh. There was a bit of frustration this weekend involving my photos and my editing process . . . but Jim-the-Great helped me figure out a way to keep my old editing the same with the new camera. And, I was having some trouble figuring out the whole focusing situation on the new camera, but practice has seemed to remedy that. I’m going to use the new camera on my shoot tomorrow . . . wish me luck.

I hope now that I can get Meg some great studio shots in the next couple of weeks. Now that I have the camera, and now that I have it on my calendar. I hate that some of my clients have more recent pictures of their kid than I do of my own!

Until the studio shots are ready, enjoy these candids from today.

1 comment:

The Fokens Family said...

Missed you both at swim! Did Meg run out of suits??
Hope all is well:) Enjoyed Meg's pics.