Friday, March 5, 2010

Favorite Photo Friday

Kate Allison, Marietta GA, February 4, 2010

What's that saying? When the cat's away, the mice will play . . .

This is what I let Kate get into one morning while Meg was away at preschool . . . the precious, carefully guarded Pez candy collection. Once Kate zipped open the bag, there was no stopping her. She tore through each and every dispenser until she found just a morsel or two of left-over, forgotten Pez candies. And then she gobbled them up quickly, lest her big sister appear from nowhere and snatch it from her.

Hey, what Meg does not know does not hurt her, right? That's what Kate would say, I'm sure.

Gotta love the little sister.


Becky said...

Hope Meg doesn't look at these pics ;) Kate looks so cute in pigtails!! Zach LOVES playing w/ ANYTHING when Zoey is not around, b/c inevitably when he starts playing w/ something (even his own things) Zoey comes over and plays with him, which isn't always a bad thing, but you can tell he enjoys being able to do it himself sometimes too!!

Anonymous said...

What a great resource!