Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A Horrible Revelation

I just plugged in our video camera to download the video from the hospital.

I just realized that we have next to none.

Jim videoed in the labor and delivery room . . . updates, progress, Kate's first moments after birth. Then he attempted to download this video onto his laptop while we were still at Northside. He got it all set up and started downloading . . . but the attempt failed . . . he didn't have the right software.

And he didn't fast forward the tape back to the end of what had been recorded.

I recorded over ALL of the first moments of Kate's life the next morning when Meg came to meet her little sister.

My heart aches. We have nothing. I'm really sad. I should be glad that at least we have the meeting of Meg and Kate . . . but I can't look on the bright side. I just want to see that fresh faced newborn, slimey and wriggling and making brand new sounds. And I never will.

1 comment:

Tiffany Payment said...

I am so sorry that this happened. It happened at one point for us to...I think with Anikan's first steps, broke my heart. I think the initial revelation made me soooo depressed but as time passed I didn't care about it as much because we had photos of the event and I can still see it clearly in my mind.

I really hope you can get past the loss of the video and focus on all the great other things you have and will capture in the future! You were there when she was born and noone can take that away from you!
